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Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s President for TVP World: “India has emerged as a significant global power. It is not only the world’s 5th largest economy, with a strong likelihood of becoming the third largest within the next 2-3 years, but it is also a key player in security matters in the Pacific region”

27 August 2024

“As the most populous country, with 1.4 billion people—surpassing even China—India’s economy is thriving. It operates under a legal system based on British common law, and English serves as a unifying language for its businesses, connecting them effectively to the global market. India is, without a doubt, an incredibly vast and influential market and country.” – explained Dr Bonikowska, CIR’s President.

Watch the full interview: Modi’s Motivations in Ukraine | How We Got Here – YouTube