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CIR is the main partner of the project “Polish Experience in Combating Disinformation – Inspirations for the Western Balkans”

29 June 2023

We are pleased to announce that the European Centre (project leader) and the Centre for International Relations (partner), together with their foreign partners, have been awarded a prestigious MFA grant as part of the MFA’s ‘Public Diplomacy 2023’ competition (in the amount of PLN 150,000). The project entitled. “Polish Experience in Combating Disinformation – Inspirations for the Western Balkans” will be implemented with the following foreign partners, including: University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje; Institute for Research and European Studies (IRES – NGOs – Northern Macedonia); The Atlantic Council of Montenegro; University Donja Gorica in Podgorica. The main partner on the Polish side is the Centre for International Relations.

The most important goal of the project is to counter Russian disinformation related to the war in Ukraine, including the denigration of Poland as one of the main countries supporting Ukraine, through active and engaging fact-based communication and cooperation with actors from the Balkan countries. An important element of the project will be the unmasking and analysis of Russia’s disinformation activities in relation to the hostilities in Ukraine carried out in the Western Balkan countries, especially Montenegro and North Macedonia. Our activities are aimed at opinion leaders – academics, NGOs and journalists in these two countries.

The project includes: a workshop in Montenegro, a conference and seminar in North Macedonia, a conference in Warsaw, a book publication and a series of webinars and podcasts.

The project managers on the Polish side are: Dr Kamil Zajączkowski, Dr Artur Adamczyk, MA Adrianna Śniadowska (acting as the main coordinator) and Paweł Stawarz (WAT). On the part of the foreign partners: Prof. Goran Ilik.