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Our publications


Dr. Emmanuel Navon on his book “The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel”

Dr. Jerzy Wojcik, Centre for International Relations expert, talks to Dr. Emmanuel Navon, an International Relations expert, about his new book “The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel”.

25 November 2020

Hong Kong – business support in the time of pandemic

The government is adopting measure to support companies and employees in Hong Kong. The idea behind this is that we want to keep the unemployment rate as low as possible – said Professor Chiu Chi Yue from The Chinese University of Hong Kong during CSM LIVE MEETING concerning situation in Hong...

29 April 2020

CIR analysis: “Georgia. Between Russia and the West”

26 May Georgia celebrates its Independence Day.  The country stands out from its neighbours thanks to its democratic credentials. Yet in recent years, the South Caucasian country of 3.7 million people has been plagued by political and economic tensions, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the aftermath of the parliamentary...

26 May 2021

Analyses CSM: “A whip against violent dissidence”

For almost 30 years of existence, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has tried more than a dozen defendants, possible, which 8 were found guilty – writes prof. Klaus Bachmann, a collaborator of CSM, professor of political science at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, member of the Stefan Batory...

8 August 2019

Analyses CSM: “The Visegrad Four’s Migration Dilemma”

Many leading politicians of the Visegrad Group countries, which include Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, are openly and strongly opposed to the admission of migrants. One of the key arguments is to defend national identity against foreign and Western multiculturalism, ” writes Robert Steenland, associate and analyst at...

28 November 2018

CIR analysis: “Gas and terror. Mozambique’s struggle for development”

Mozambique is a south-east African country with a population of 30 million, rich in natural resources and conveniently located along the western Indian Ocean. Its vast gas reserves have potential to accelerate its growth. Al-Shabab insurgency, however has delayed the prospects for development for several years now. The nation struggling...

30 August 2021

CIR analysis: “Post-COVID multilateralism. How to save humanity from hell?”

The crisis of multilateralism was present in the system long before Donald Trump rise to power. It has deep structural roots. It coincides with the changing division of power and influence in the world – writes dr. Bartlomiej Nowak, President of the Vistula Group of Universities, CIR expert, in analysis...

22 July 2021

Relation from the debate “Economic Migrants in Poland. Facts and Myths”.

Poland issues the largest number of work permits among the EU countries, with the population of economic immigrants estimated at 1 million. At the same time, Poles are one of the European societies most afraid of foreigners. The participants of an online debate organised on 2 July 2020 by the...

21 July 2021

Artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors in Poland and Czech Republic

The report was prepared within the framework of the public task “Polish-Czech Forum for the rapprochement of societies, deeper cooperation and good neighbourhood 2020”, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. The analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors...

20 February 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in private and public sectors. Comparative analysis: Poland and the Czech Republic

The potential of artificial intelligence is growing every day. At the beginning of this decade, the technological world had 25 times more data at its disposal than at the beginning of the previous one. This, along with the acceleration in the development of neural networks over the course of about...

9 December 2020

Economic migrants in Poland. Facts and myths

Poland issues the largest number of work permits among the EU countries, with the population of economic immigrants estimated at 1 million. At the same time, Poles are one of the European societies most afraid of foreigners. The participants of an online debate organised on 2 July 2020 by the...

28 July 2020


Economic and demographic trends are already affecting the socioeconomic environment in Europe. The latest forecasts according to which the European continent will become a field of drastic changes related to, among others, become fashionable. with the uncontrolled development of robotics, huge unemployment, or with the Islamization of Europe – writes...

28 August 2017

Analyses CSM “Georgia’s post-soviet transformation”

Recent events, whose main hero was the former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, including his arrest in Ukraine and deportation to Poland, has once again attracted the attention of the whole world. The role that Saakashvili played during democratic and economic changes in Georgia between 2004-2013 and his short political...

8 August 2018


Economic and demographic trends are already in motion that will determine the macro-level socio-economic and socio-political environment of mid-century Europe. Fashionable prognostications for the middle future focus on cataclysmic changes like the rise of robotics, the end of work, or the Islamization of Europe. These are possible, but perhaps a...

28 April 2017

Analyses CSM “After NATO summit. Europe needs a plan B”

“The decisions taken at the Brussels Summit show that the world is changing. Europe and North America are one and operate jointly within NATO, “declared the Secretary General of the Alliance. Still, the behavior and actions of the President of the United States point to something else. , but also...

28 July 2018

Analyses CSM: “MIKTA: an innovative partnership”

MIKTA is a cooperation platform that consists of five countries: Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia. This informal group was formed on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, which was held in New York in 2013. From the very beginning, the MIKTA platform was promoted as...

17 May 2018

Analyses CSM: “Dutch vision of the UE: principles or pragmatism?”

Brexit has given new meaning to the Netherlands, which for years has played an important, diplomatic role in Europe and was a mediator of European powers, said Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte recently. In the shadow of Brexit and Franco-German integration, the Netherlands is gaining importance in the European arena...

28 April 2018