Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s President for “TVP World”: “I think the question for the European Union today is really what should be the next step in this project because that’s not the project which is finalised, we are still working on reforms, on idea of how to develop, where to go, what will be our final objective”.
“And it’s very much to do with what people think about it, not only politicians, because the politicians go also basing on the opinion polls, very much into what people want. And that’s the danger also because in the same time people people started to express their views radically on...
“We have already witnessed one term of Donald Trump and this can be built on. At this point it is necessary to establish contacts on both sides: in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.” – Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CSM in her interview for “Fakt” daily.
“Trump’s inner circle and, above all, direct contacts with influential figures within the Republican Party are very important. Establishing direct connections with Donald Trump himself is also crucial. Understanding his thought process is essential, and the presence or absence of our contacts can significantly impact our ties after the presidential...
23 July, 2024: “Where IMEC Meets Three Seas: How Can the Indo-Pacific be Linked to Europe?” Discussion with participation of Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR – CSM.
_________________ 23 July 2024 (Tuesday)14:30-16:30 CET (Warsaw)The Polish Institute of International Affairs1a Warecka Street, WarsawConference room, 1st floor_________________ At the G20 Summit in New Delhi, several countries and international organisations, including the United States, EU, and India, announced the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) to connect India with Europe by a...
CIR Analysis: “India after 2024 elections”
This year’s general elections in India ended with a surprising result. Although Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling Indian People’s Party (BJP) has retained power, the lack of a majority in parliament (Lok Sabha) makes it dependent on its coalition partners. At the same time, the opposition, including the Indian National...
Europe after elections to the European Parliament. In the “Dzień na Świecie” show on polsatnews.pl, Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR – CSM, in conversation with Grzegorz Dobiecki
In the “Dzien na Świecie” show on polsatnews.pl, Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR – CSM, talked to Grzegorz Dobiecki. According to Dr. Bonikowska, politics in Europe is still national and member states prefer weak players in Brussels.In the new composition of the European Parliament, the European People’s Party remains...
Eugeniusz Smolar, CIR’s expert for Carnegie Europe.: “Macron is right: the EU should become an independent and self-reliant defense community in the face of the potential paralysis of NATO in the case of a veto of even one country. But it all comes down to the question: who will decide…?” [25/04/24]
“Macron is right: the EU should become an independent and self-reliant defense community in the face of the potential paralysis of NATO in the case of a veto of even one country. But it all comes down to the question: who will decide and be accountable to whom for the...
General elections in India – Akshaya Venkateswaran
18th General Elections in India are scheduled from April 19, 2024, to June 1, 2024. They are aimed at electing 543 members for the Lower House of the Indian Parliament House of the People (Lok Sabha). The fact sheet on Indian Elections 2024 was prepared by our intern, Akshaya Venkateswaran,...
CIR analysis: “United States: Indispensable Nation – Unavoidable Problem (for Europe)”
In an era where geopolitical dynamics are rapidly evolving, the United States’ new industry and trade policies under President Biden, often dubbed ‘Bidenomics’, present both challenges and opportunities for Europe. With massive federal investments and a focus on green re-industrialization, these policies are set to significantly impact the global trade...
WHAT NEXT WITH THE MONEY FROM NRP (Recovery Plan)? “Now we are fighting to mobilize the main funds” – Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of the Centre for International Relations for “Onet Rano”. [15.12.23]
“Most EU member states – apart from Hungary – benefit from these measures; they are emergency measures. It would be a pity if we did not use these funds or only partially used them. We already have one advance payment, and now the second advance payment has appeared – the...
COP28: Dr. Bruno Surdel, senior analyst at the Centre for International Relations, in an interview with TVP World: “COP28 is taking place in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates is one of the largest producers of fossil fuels, but we need on board countries that are stakeholders in terms of fossil fuels to cooperate on climate issues and energy transformation.” [30.11.23]
Some progress has been made since the Paris Agreement in 2015. But it is not enough. We must switch to zero-emission energy, we must increase investments in renewable energy, and phase out fossil fuels – added Dr. Bruno Surdel, senior analyst at the Centre for International Relations, in...
Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR-CSM for “Fakt” daily: What is the deal with changing the EU treaties? “There is a long way to go to open up the treaties, because it is risky, well, and not all countries want it. Besides, many things can be done based on the last Treaty of Lisbon from 2007.” [23.11.2023]
“Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska tells ‘Fakt’ straightforwardly that the discussion is still ongoing and its outcome is by no means a foregone conclusion. Everything will depend on the readiness of the states, politicians and societies of Europe.” “The vote in the EP means only that there is a discussion...
Eugeniusz Smolar for “Visegrad Insight”: ‘Improving Poland’s Relations With Germany Will Be Easy, Except…” “Meaningful dialogue between Warsaw and Berlin must resume for the sake of Europe”
“Poland’s new incoming government will seek to mend fences with Germany, but despite Berlin’s turn away from the flawed Russia policy, both countries will need to bridge several fundamental differences over security and the future of Europe.” – writes for “Visegrad Insight ” Eugeniusz Smolar – expert and member of...
“Modification of the plan would give the opportunity to skip the ‘milestone'” – stated Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations, in an interview titled “The race against time for funds from the National Recovery Plan” for the Rzeczpospolita daily. [27/10/2023]
“The statement that it will be possible to unblock the NRP funds overnight was a rhetorical figure. One visit won’t get it done, but it can certainly prepare the ground for the release of funds when a new government is formed in Poland. The first problem is the formation of...
Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR-CSM, on English-language TVP World about Russia’s President Putin’s visit to China [18/10/23]
Dr. Malgorzata Bonikowska, President of CSM, on English-language TVP World about Russia’s President Putin’s visit to China, where he takes part in the Belt and Road Forum and meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping. This is Putin’s first visit to the country after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw (Centrum Europejskie UW) and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar: “Polish (and Balkan) ways to fight propaganda and disinformation: best practices”.
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw (Centrum Europejskie UW) and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Polish (and Balkan) ways to fight propaganda and disinformation: best practices”. The webinar is part of a project entitled “Polish Experience in Combating Disinformation – Inspirations for the Western Balkans”....
Zoom on the World: Papua New Guinea and the Indo-Pacific. Tuesday, 12 September at 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm on the Facebook profiles of the Centre for International Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen.
The Centre for International Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland would like to invite you to another conversation in the series Zoom on the World. Once a month, together with our guests: diplomats, entrepreneurs, experts, we analyse the world situation from a Polish and European perspective. Our guest...
CIR is the main partner of the project “Polish Experience in Combating Disinformation – Inspirations for the Western Balkans”
We are pleased to announce that the European Centre (project leader) and the Centre for International Relations (partner), together with their foreign partners, have been awarded a prestigious MFA grant as part of the MFA’s ‘Public Diplomacy 2023’ competition (in the amount of PLN 150,000). The project entitled. “Polish Experience...
Diplomatic Coffee: Cuba
Centre for International Relations invites you to another conversation in Diplomatic Coffee series, organized by the CIR-CSM jointly with the National Geographic Traveler Polska, THINKTANK and Weco-Travel. Once a month, together with invited guests, former ambassadors, we introduce you to a different region of the world. This time we will...
Diplomatic Coffee: Nigeria
Centre for International Relations invites you to another conversation in Diplomatic Coffee series, organized by the CIR-CSM jointly with the National Geographic Traveler Polska, THINKTANK and Weco-Travel. ? Our guest is Andrzej Dycha, Polish Ambassador to Nigeria from 2015 to 2017. The conversation was conducted by Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President...
Diplomatic Coffee: Pakistan
Centre for International Relations invites you to another conversation in Diplomatic Coffee series, organized by the CIR-CSM jointly with the National Geographic Traveler Polska, THINKTANK and Weco-Travel. ? Our guest is Piotr Opaliński, a political scientist and the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Pakistan from 2015 to 2021....