Mr. Krzysztof Płomiński – Former Polish Ambassador to Iraq and Saudi Arabia and CIR’s expert in an interview for Polish public Radio “3” stated: “Hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza are practically non-existent, because on one hand, there are extremely radical expectations from both Hamas and Israel. On the other hand, any kind of political agreement with Hamas is being blocked by Likud’s coalition partners in the Israeli government, who openly say, ‘If there’s a ceasefire, especially a permanent one, as the United States also envisions, we will leave the government.’ What does that mean? It means the fall of the government and early elections, as there is no other configuration that could keep Prime Minister Netanyahu in power. For him personally, this would likely mean finding himself in the near future under arrest, in prison, and convicted of a range of various crimes he is accused of.
From the perspective of Israeli society, there are also serious problems. These problems are not limited to Gaza, hostages, or even the issue of peace with the Palestinians. Crucial too are matters of the rule of law, internal issues within the country, and ultimately, the cost of this war, which currently stands at 120 billion dollars and is continuing to rise. The outlook for the situation also includes a scenario of a regional conflict, which will not only have consequences for the Middle East but for the entire world, including Europe. As I emphasise in every media interview, Europe should be aware of the number of problems and threats it imports from the Middle East.”