It is difficult for contemporaries to be a fair and unequivocal judge of events in which they participated. A quarter of a century, however, is a sufficient length of time to calm emotions and to look objectively at the changes that have occurred in Poland and in Europe. On the occasion of 25 years of transformation in the Central-Eastern Europe, 15 years of the Polish membership in NATO as well as of 10 years from the “great enlargement” of the European Union, Centre for International Relations and the THINKTANK Centre for dialogue and analysis prepared a special publication and online collection of the opinions and comments. Outstanding Poles and foreigners, the architects of change, share their views on these last two fascinating decades, among others: Jose Manuel Barroso, Tony Blair, Rocco Buttiglione, Jerzy Buzek, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Vaclav Klaus, Vytautas Landsbergis, Romano Prodi, Martin Schulz, Javier Solana, Gunter Verheugen, Lech Wałęsa and many more.