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Perception of China among V4 Political Elites

Our publications

Perception of China among V4 Political Elites

For much of the 1990s and early 2000s, China has not been in the focus of the V4 countries. This began to change in light of the 2009 financial crisis. Further impetus for the V4 countries to engage with China came with the establishment of the China-CEEC Cooperation platform (i.e....

30 December 2019
Completed projects

IRI – studio visit of emerging democratic leaders

In mid-May Centre for International Relations hosted five public leaders from Myanmar, Honduras, Bolivia and Nicaragua – participants of the project: Rising Stars Alumni Program: Theory and Practice for Emerging Democratic Leaders. During week long sessions, workshops and studio visits, the CIR’s guests found out on Poland’s example how the...

28 April 2019
Completed projects

“10, 15, 25” publication

THINKTANK and Centre for International Relations in cooperation with PZU and ORLEN collected exclusive testimonies form architects and witnesses of the Big Change, as well as international politicians’ opinions, who were and still are actively observing it. In a unique publication and on a dedicated website, testimonies from exceptional individuals,...

28 April 2019
Completed projects

CIR project in the frame of the Polish-Czech Forum

Once again, CIR together with the Aspen Institute Prague will carry out a common project, in the frame of the annual contest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Polish-Czech Forum. Its aim is to support current and new common initiatives within the civil societies of both countries. The Forum...

28 April 2019
Completed projects

Comparing the Czech-Polish approach to China: Assessing both challenges and opportunities from a security-minded perspective

A new study “Comparing the Czech-Polish approach to China: Assessing both challenges and opportunities from a security-minded perspective“ prepared in cooperation with our Czech partners from Prague Security Studies Institute describes similarities and differences between the two countries’ approaches to China. It seeks to shed light on the development of...

27 April 2019
Completed projects

European Roundtable

The project is organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s office for Spain and Portugal. Policy makers and representatives from think tanks and media enjoy the opportunity for reflection and exchange of analysis about relevant issues of European and international affairs offside the day-to-day-routine. The European Roundtable offers a different perspective to single...

27 April 2019
Completed projects

1989 – European light and the Balkan darnkess

To commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of the breakup of Yugoslavia, Centre for Democratic Transition, together with partners from the six countries (including CIR) of the European Union and the Western Balkans launched a public dialogue on 1989 and its reflections on a united Europe...

2 January 2019

Analyses CSM: “A whip against violent dissidence”

For almost 30 years of existence, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has tried more than a dozen defendants, possible, which 8 were found guilty – writes prof. Klaus Bachmann, a collaborator of CSM, professor of political science at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, member of the Stefan Batory...

8 August 2019