In the context of the Kongres 590 in Rzeszów – Polish-Ukrainian economic forum of the labour market, economy and social economy – Surdel stated that it is vital to use the potential of thousands of Ukrainian refugees with higher education working on finding solutions to provide job opportunities enabling these people to go back into their trades.
1.2 million people from Ukraine received a PESEL number, which entitles them to social benefits and work. Currently, about 400,000 people are employed. Most of them perform simple jobs in gastronomy, trade and transport. But among the refugees, there are well-educated doctors, teachers, IT specialists. It is worth using their potential and enabling them to take up decent work. Most of them perform simple jobs in gastronomy, trade and transport. But among the refugees, there are well-educated doctors, teachers, IT specialists. It is worth using their potential and enabling them to take up decent work – said Bruno during the conference.