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Dr. Surdel – analyst with CIR – CSM – on Turkey’s stance regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict in “World Talks” on TVP World: “President Erdogan’s rhetoric on Israel and Palestine resonates strongly with conservative elements within Turkey.” [24.11.2023]

24 November 2023
In the media


“President Erdogan’s  rhetoric on Israel and Palestine resonates strongly with conservative and nationalist elements within Turkey. By positioning himself as a champion of the Palestinian cause and a critic of Israel, Erdogan reinforces his support base, consolidating his political power. Additionally, this approach aligns with his broader agenda of projecting Turkey as a defender of global Muslim interests. An  as regards Turkey – EU and NATO ties, Erdogan has strong cards: migration deal and  Sweden’s membership in the Alliance.”- explained dr Bruno Surdel in “World Talks” on TVP World.

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