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“Open conflict involving Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group, has a negative impact on Putin’s image. There is no possibility of rebellion, as rebellion leads to death.” – Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Center for International Relations, on the “Super Express” program [28.06.2023]

28 June 2023
In the media

The consequences of what happened in Russia are of immense importance. In simplified terms, there are two theories. One suggests that it was orchestrated by Vladimir Putin, who, in a way, controlled the situation and had nothing to lose. To make progress, he wanted to shift Prigozhin and the Wagner Group to Belarus, which was not approved by Lukashenko. The second interpretation, which I lean towards, is that this incident has seriously damaged Putin’s image and, above all, his political position within Russia,” stated Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the CSM, in an interview with Super Express.