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“We are currently buying technology that seems to have a future, and this is what is particularly important for America, because the construction of nuclear power plants in Poland will contribute to the discussion” – commented Janusz Reiter in Polish News [03.11.2022]

3 November 2022
In the media

Janusz Reiter comments on the planned construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland due to start operating in 2033. An important investor is the American Westinghouse. Reiter assesses this investment as crucial for the US since it would contribute to the reconstruction of nuclear competences and cementing America’s role in the nuclear market from which it has previously retreated. As a consequence, Russian and Chinese domination grew. This makes it even more important for the US to regain its former competencies.

We are currently buying technology that seems to have a future, and this is what is particularly important for America, because the construction of nuclear power plants in Poland will contribute to the discussion about what should be the place of nuclear energy in such the so-called energy mix of the future in the industrialized, western world because it is different if it happens in Saudi Arabia or somewhere in the Middle East – said Janusz Reiter.

It is good that the decision has been made at the moment, but now is the time to think about what awaits us, because a great, extremely complicated operation awaits us, which was probably not the case in Poland in the post-war period in terms of the degree of difficulty. on the coordination of various important factors in this process , he added.

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