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“The South China See situation just shows that that’s not to have it [fleet], but also to use it” – dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s president, commented on investitions in Chinese army for PolandIn [28.10.2021]

28 October 2021
In the media

Dr. Bonikowska confirmed that US feels concerned about growing Chinese military potential, also in view of the tense situation surrounding Taiwan. US creates new alliances to fight with threats posed by China – such AUKUS between US, UK and Australia. Dr. Bonikowska also said that ASEAN member states have strategic geographical position, therefore both Washington DC and Beijing wish to acquire their support and cooperation. ASEAN countires are in between US and China, dr. Bonikowska noted, Chinese economy is extremely important for them, but at the same time they are afraid of Chinese rising power.